Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Amazing Blessings From Rome

There have been so many amazing, inspiring visuals from the Rome Temple Dedication 
we wanted a place to save them.  This seemed like an appropriate place.
Our testimonies of our Savior Jesus Christ have been strengthened by seeing and reading
about the historic events that happened at the Rome Temple Dedication.

Every member of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, dressed in white temple clothing, posed for an iconic photograph in the Rome Italy Temple Visitors' Center in Rome, Italy on Monday, March 11, 2019. Front center are President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors in the First Presidency, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring. Also included are members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: President M. Russell Ballard, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Elder David A. Bednar, Elder Quentin L. Cook, Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Elder Neil L. Andersen, Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Elder Gary E. Stevenson, Elder Dale G. Renlund, Elder Gerrit W. Gong, and Elder Ulisses Soares. Photo by Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News.

There are only a few times in history when the entire senior leadership
 of the Church have been together outside of Utah, the most recent being the 
Nauvoo Illinois Temple dedication in 2002.

As part of this historic gathering of living prophets and apostles in Rome, 
each shared a personal witness of Jesus Christ 
and the Restoration of His gospel in our day.

President Russell M. Nelson
More than two thousand years ago, our Savior Jesus Christ ministered to the world, establishing His Church and His gospel. He called Apostles and gave them the decree to “go ye therefore, and teach all nations.”

In our day, the Lord’s Church has been restored. The Savior stands at the head of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As modern-day Apostles of Jesus Christ, we share the same message today that Apostles shared long ago—that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ.

As one of His special witnesses, I testify that because the Savior offered Himself as the infinite Atonement, you and I have the opportunity—the privilege—to be forgiven when we repent. We can also turn to Him for healing of our hearts, for strength when we are weak, and for help to do things we simply cannot do on our own. He taught us how to love, how to pray, how to endure. There’s no trial we can endure that He doesn’t know about. He gives each one of us hope.

I am honored to be included among the many who teach and testify of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Savior of the world, and He has given us an example by which we can live.

Because of Jesus Christ, we can have access to power sufficient to deal with the burdens, obstacles, and temptations of our day. He delivers us from physical and spiritual death. I love and testify of Him.
President Dallin H. Oaks

As modern-day Apostles, we testify of Jesus Christ, the Lord God of Israel, the Light and Life of the World. He is the Savior, whose atoning sacrifice opens the door for us to be cleansed of our personal sins so that we can be readmitted to the presence of God. He is the Savior, whose atoning sacrifice redeems us from death and opens the door to eternal life.

Apostles have the calling and ordination to be special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world, but the duty to witness and testify of Christ at all times and in all places applies to every member of the Church who has received the testimony of the Holy Ghost.

Let each of us be bold in following the example of the Lord’s prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, in declaring that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world who delivers us from physical and spiritual death.
President Henry B. Eyring

I add my testimony to the witness shared by President Russell M. Nelson. I am a witness of the Resurrection of the Lord as surely as if I had been there in the evening with the two disciples in the house on Emmaus road. I know that He lives as surely as did Joseph Smith when he saw the Father and the Son.

This is the true Church of Jesus Christ. We will on the Day of Judgment stand before the Savior, face to face. It will be a time of joy for those who have drawn close to Him in His service in this life. It will be a joy to hear the words “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” I so testify as a witness of the risen Savior and our Redeemer.
President M. Russell Ballard

When the Savior originally charged His Apostles to “Go ye into all the world,” His Church was very small. Today our labors are greatly enhanced by airplanes and remarkable technology that stretch the reach of our ministry to the farthest parts of the world.

I know through experiences too numerous and too sacred to discuss that this is the Savior’s gospel. He stands at the head—holy, divine, supreme; full of power, majesty, grace, and truth. He lived for us and He died for us because He loves us. I love Him more deeply and powerfully than I can find words to express.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

In a world of unrest and fear, political turmoil and moral drift, I testify that Jesus is the Christ—that He is the living bread and living water—still, yet, and always the great shield of safety in our lives, the mighty stone of Israel, the anchor of this, His living Church.

I testify of His prophets, seers, and revelators, who constitute the ongoing foundation of that Church and bear witness that such offices and such oracles are at work now, under the guidance of the Savior of us all, in and for our very needful day.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

In our day, God has called a prophet to help us understand His will for us. President Russell M. Nelson is the Lord’s prophet today, and he teaches and testifies of Jesus Christ, who stands at the head of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

As the Apostles Peter and Paul were called to “teach all nations” in ancient times, so are we privileged to do the same today. The Savior and His gospel are the same “good news” proclaimed then and now. No matter our struggles, His light can bring hope, happiness, and healing to each of us.
Elder David A. Bednar

I declare my apostolic witness that God lives and Jesus is the Christ, our living Redeemer and Savior. The heavens are not closed. God speaks to us individually and to the world through the authorized leaders of His latter-day kingdom on the earth.

On a future day, “every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess” that Jesus is the Christ. On that blessed day, we will know that He knows each of us by name. I witness and promise we can come to know Him as we exercise faith in, follow, serve, and believe Him.
Elder Quentin L. Cook

I love the Savior and I bear my witness that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. May we all recognize and give thanks for the incomparable gift of life we each enjoy and for the breath that He lends us daily.

I testify that President Russell M. Nelson was foreordained and has been prepared his entire life to be the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Lord’s prophet for our day. Guidance for the Church as a whole comes only to His prophet. We are blessed as we heed his counsel.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson

I express my own witness that Jesus of Nazareth was and is the Son of God, the very Messiah of ancient prophecy. He is the Christ, who suffered in Gethsemane, died on the cross, was buried, and who indeed rose again the third day. He is the resurrected Lord, through whom we shall all be resurrected and by whom all who will may be redeemed and exalted in His heavenly kingdom.
Elder Neil L. Andersen

What a blessing to be led by a prophet of God! For more than 94 years, President Russell M. Nelson has strengthened his love for the Savior while disciplining his life, cultivating his intellect, and expanding his spiritual gifts. The words he speaks are true.

I, too, know for myself of the living reality of the Resurrected Savior. Because of Him, we will live again. He is central to all human history. As we come unto Him, He heals us from our sins and the wounds of the heart. No effort to increase our faith in Him is in vain. I love Him.

As His servant and Apostle, I give my sure witness that He lives and guides His holy work upon the earth today. I testify that He will come again in clouds of glory to reign forever as the King of kings.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband

Jesus Christ is our great Redeemer and Savior. He watches over us. He cares for us and stands by us.

The Savior manifests His will to the Church through President Russell M. Nelson. What a marvelous gift.

The Lord’s hand is guiding us. He is in the small details of our lives as well as the major milestones. I pray that we will reach out and take the Savior’s hand that He is extending to us.

I know that Jesus Christ lives; I love Him, and I know with all my heart that He loves each of us. He is our great Exemplar and the divine leader of all of our Father’s children.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson

I know President Russell M. Nelson is the Lord’s living prophet and His mouthpiece for all mankind living today. I echo his words and add my own testimony of God the Father and of Jesus Christ’s role as our Savior and Redeemer. Heavenly Father sent His Son to the earth to atone for our sins. Jesus Christ lives and loves us, as evidenced by His sending prophets in our day to lead and guide us back home to Him.
Elder Dale G. Renlund

As an Apostle of Jesus Christ, I too testify that He lives. He loves you. He wants nothing more than for you to find real, enduring happiness. The covenants and ordinances available in the temples of our God are the purest source of that joy. Come to His holy house and let Him help you find that peace and joy.
Elder Gerritt W. Gong

Our Lord Jesus Christ is indeed King of kings and Lord of lords, Savior and Redeemer of all mankind. Our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, personally came to restore the gospel and the Church in these latter days. What a blessing and invitation for each individual and for all generations of families in every nation, kindred, tongue, and people! We can each feel Their love and hope for each family member, one by one, family by family, as part of temple promises of joy, healing, forgiveness, and covenant belonging in time and eternity.
Elder Ulisses Soares

I stand as a witness, with ancient and modern apostles and prophets, to testify that Jesus is the Christ. He took upon Himself all our pains and sicknesses. He stands ready to help—to help each of us—with every burden.

I also know that President Russell M. Nelson is the prophet of God in our day. His counselors in the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are also, in fact, prophets, seers, and revelators. They represent the Lord Jesus Christ and have the right to declare His mind and will as it is revealed to them. I testify that there is safety in following their counsel.

Wives of members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. From right to left, they are 
Wendy L. Nelson, Kristen M. Oaks, Patricia T. Holland, Harriet R. Uchtdorf, Susan Kae Bednar, 
Mary G. Cook, Katherine J. Christofferson, Kathy W. Andersen, Melanie T. Rasband, 
Lesa Jean Stevenson, Ruth L. Renlund, Susan L. Gong and Rosana F. Soares.